Monday, March 14, 2011

What Next?

I feel like I am in limbo on my community blog site! While the people there remain generally courteous, and the critique of fellow writers is both thought provoking and inspiring, I feel very out-of-place. Either I like something or I don't, and that opinion doesn't help anyone improve their writing (which is 1/2 my purpose for being there). I read other's criticisms and many times I can see the value of their input; I just don't think of those things myself. I am still reading and trying to give valid input, but I find it difficult. There are no comments on my contest entry and I will not find out about that until the 23rd of March. Given these circumstances, I am not quite sure what kind of an expert I will become, nor what I will have expertise in! I think I will try to get on two more times this week and write something in other areas on the site. There is one area that has a ten minute free write and edit. I wonder if it is cheating to write on this site what has already been rolling around in my head for several days...


  1. It sounds like an assignment that was supposed to be somewhat fun is not. I am glad that your not giving up. I can tell that you have a big passion for writing. I hope the experience gets better.

  2. I am sorry this has become such a stressful assignment. I know you love writing. I have two students in my Science class that ask me to read their writing daily. They would thrive in an environment that gives them constructive feedback. Oh, and no I don't think it would be wrong to write what ever you want on your site!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Danielle & Kristin,

    Thank you both so much for your compassion and encouragement! I think this, like everything else, has its ups and downs; right now its down. I will stick with this site at least until this class is over, but whatever happens, it has been good for me because if I don't stay here I think I will persue writing elsewhere...

  5. I am sorry to hear that your blog experience isn't going as great as you would like. I say keep writing and don't give up. Sometimes people just loose track of the online world. I can certainly say that a lot of the time in all the work stuff and other school stuff I loose track of the online world....As far as the free write I say go for it! It's what you are thinking and even if it's not that very second, why not get it out.
