Saturday, September 13, 2014

     Two days ago we had a very moving ceremony for Patriot Day at my work. In honoring several people for their sacrifice for our country, I realized how selfish I have been for much of my life and I was ashamed. Amazingly enough, this is something that pleases God! In Jeremiah 6:15 and again in Jeremiah 8:12, God has a problem with people who offend Him and never take note of it.
     He knows the wrong we have done; that is what the cross is all about! He reminds us in James 4:6-10, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. I am so grateful for His grace, and the robe of righteousness He puts on me to cover my sin--at such a great cost to Himself! Written below is the poem God's mercy (and this ceremony) inspired:

What Do I Do?
What do I do
When I'm covered in shame?
I look all around
But there's no one to blame
Because I chose to "get"
Instead of to "give"
I cared not who died
As long as I lived.
What do I do
When I'm covered in shame?
I look all around
But there's no one to blame
I thought of myself
More than anyone else
How I fought to get my own way!
Selfish and greedy
Unloving, self-seeking
I did not see anyone pay.
But my parents did pay
With their money and time
They raised me inside of their home
My teachers paid too
In sacrifices untold
To give me an education
So what do I do
When I'm covered in shame?
I look all around
But there's no one to blame...
I'll run to the cross
To the One who paid most
To seek and to save
All who were lost!
I'll run to the cross
Where my God does not blame
But takes on Himself
My guilt and my shame.
I'll run to the cross
Where my guilt God relieves...
...receiving the pardon
That's more than reprieve!
Then I'll run from the cross
With others to share
The great love of God
And His merciful care
I'll run from the cross
With the joy of the Lord
Who gives great forgiveness
In accord with His Word!
I will serve Him and you
With all of my heart
In fear and humility
Because I know now
He died in my place
To secure for me liberty!
I am free from my sin!
I am free from my shame!
I am free to serve God and mankind!
I am free to live holy...
...And wholly to live...
Giving glory to God divine!
Praise Jesus!!!